Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 ways to manage performance anxiety!

This week is our MaZi Dance Chicago Showcase and even if you're not performing in it chances are you have times in your life where the spotlight WILL undoubtedly land on you! Interviews, job presentations, wedding toasts, etc. are bound to happen. So how to deal?

Marisol and I have been performing since we were 5 and I can tell you it doesn't get much easier. Here are some things that have helped us both on stage and in corporate settings:

1) Practice. Practice. Practice........and then Practice some more!
You cannot be over-rehearsed when it comes to presenting, performing or being in the spotlight. Whatever your routine might be it should feel like second nature to you and be deeply embedded into your physiological muscle memory so that you're not having to develop strategy or remember steps on the spot.

2) Anticipate What Will Go Wrong
Plan for a run in your leggings, forgetting a key piece of clothing, having technological failures, or having your boss poke holes in all your key points. I have been in situations where the projector doesn't work so I can't show my PowerPoint presentation or my shoe's ribbons tear off, or I didn't think of a question that would be asked and so you must have a plan b- through at least k. Bring extras or know who to get them from. :) Also, anticipate the hurdles you will face both from people or with your body rebelling on you that day. We love Motrin, Tiger's Balm & sparkly earrings!

3) Shake it Out
Nothing beats a little exertion before any performance. Climb stairs, go for a fast walk, do push-ups, do anything that's going to get the adrenaline out of your system before you have to control it in front of a live audience. 

4) Develop a Ritual
There's something to be said for crazy, superstitious rituals. They work because there's comfort in getting ready in your favorite leg-warmers or rehearsing a speech in your favorite conference room. If you're comforted then you are able to take the edge of your nerves and think more clearly.

5) Be Present
The best part about performing is that you're expressing yourself and being heard! You have a chance to make a difference because people are giving you their time to have you show them something meaningful. Don't let that opportunity be ruined by nerves, a bad experience or worse.........not soaking it in!

And Finally, if you don't know the answer or forget the combination.....FAKE IT! If you say it or dance it with confidence everyone will believe you. ;)


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