Saturday, April 7, 2012

Protect your Pretty Face!

So we all try to protect our face in Ballerina Fight Club, but recently Cassie, a dear MaZi dancer, asked us how we keep our faces clear despite working out as much as we do and we have to say we were a bit surprised because we do breakout but thought it was a great question!

Oily skin -Zi
I have oily skin so what has worked best for me is to wash my face BEFORE I sweat all over it. Then after class, I just rinse it with cold water but don't wash it with soap again so that I don't over dry and send signals to my oil glands that they need to go into overdrive and produce more oil. I do this in addition to cleansing it in the AM and PM.

Cleansers that have really worked for me are: Clinque's face soap $12 (mild formula in winter, and oily formula in summer) or Biore's 4 in 1 detoxifying cleanser $8.  

Since it's not convenient to carry your cleanser all the time, some great options for cleansing before your work-out are:
Amore Pacific Treatment Cleansing Tissues $40
Olivella Cleansing Tissues-$7

Dry skin- Ma
I started breaking out recently and therefore washed my face more but my issues only got worse.  I commented my concerns to Jenn Dies form Golden Girl Chicago and she suggested aloe,  and Ceravae to balance out my skin’s natural pH balance.  I feel it has significantly helped thus far, and my breakouts are under control.
Since my skin gets so dry in cold weather, I needed something that would gently cleanse and hold my skin-nourishing oils.  I was cleaning my skin with harsh chemicals that were drying it even more causing my skin to produce too much oil.   Now, I wash my face just once a day with moisturizing products.  We will see how this works in the summer, I might have to switch to Zi's routine.  :)

Whatever type of skin you have, it is always a tricky balance when you are working out regularly and also having to protect it from the sun. Favorites are super light sunscreen: La Mer SPF Protecting Fluid $70 & Neutrogena Sheer Dry Touch Sunscreen (up to 110 SPF!) $9.

For personalized skin care questions or concerns we recommend a consultation with Jenn or someone on her team at, they're amazing!

-Zi & Ma

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