Thursday, December 8, 2011

Don't let shin splints happen to you and other tips!

As you are working on getting stronger, or trying moves you are not familiar with you may experience a couple of warning signs along the way. Here are usual suspects, along with some things to try to get you through or to prevent them! (Disclaimer: When starting any new program or if you experience discomfort or pain please visit your doctor).

1) Shin Splints- Roll through your feet while landing hops and jumps. Make it a point to complete stretches in the warm-up/cool-down and get to class early to stretch on your own. Watch for more tips:

2) Funny Knees- If your knees feel "funny" as in not tracking correctly or feel achy try stretching your quads so that they don't start pulling your knee caps up. Using a foam roller or myo-ball, spend time rolling yourself out; for examples.

3) Lower back pain- Give your hamstrings some love! Use the foam roller as depicted in link above or spend time on one knee, opposite leg stretched in front, knee straight,flexed foot, hips off your supporting foot, and gradually bend forward to release your hamstring, calf and arch.

Taking the time to stretch before, during and after class goes a long way.

1) If you're late to class, take 5 minutes to warm yourself up (as done during class warm-up) before joining.
2) Take breaks! During class, repeat stretches done in warm-up and cool-down throughout, especially as you work on getting stronger.
3) Pay attention to the warm-ups and cool-downs of class, so that you can replicate them if you're late or if you are working out at home or going for a run.
4) The cool-down section of most classes at MDFC are designed to stretch and get your body ready for recovery. Somedays you may need more, listen to your body and stretch after class before you run out and go about your day.
5) Above all, listen to your Body so that you can keep dancing!

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